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API Manager

Role, which is used to get a token from the OAuth2 token endpoint of the API.


Entity, represented by an assignment ID, who is considered to give a specific user access to a specific car for a defined time range.


Car or entity, represented by a car ID, which is considered to have a maximum of two different products & assignments. Several users can also be assigned to it.


Customer or entity, represented by a customer ID, which is considered to have several API Managers, managers, users, cars, flinkey Boxes.


Entity, represented by an event ID, which represents an open or close event of a car/box.


flinkey is the simplest upgrade for giving your family, friends and services access to your car via app.

flinkey App

An application to lock and open the car, to define users who are allowed to use the car.

flinkey Box

It keeps the key and presses physically on the Keyfob buttons.

flinkey Portal

A web-based tool to manage your fleet.


It is needed to call the endpoints of the API v3.


Group or entity, represented by a group ID. A group could consist of the entities car, user, service and product.


It is needed to call the other API v3 endpoints. It complies with the RFC 7519 standard.


A tool to determine which key fits to a car.


Person or entity, represented by a manager ID, who is considered to have access to the functionalities of the flinkey Portal depending on the roles of the manager.

Portal Manager

A role that unlocks all functionalities of the flinkey Portal for a Manager.


Postman is a tool that lets you build and test HTTP requests in an easy-to-use interface without configuring a full development environment.


Unique identifier, which is used to get a token for the Mobile SDK via corresponding API endpoint.

Technical contact

Person, which receives important technical updates regarding flinkey API and Mobile SDK via e-mail.


Person or entity, represented by a user ID, who is considered to have access to different cars.


A mechanism to inform your system in an asychronous way that some long-running task finished. To use webhooks with your API you need to register your API endpoints at the Developer page of the flinkey Portal. All webhooks are sent as HTTP POST and require SSL certificates. The body is sent in application/json format.